今更ながらBattle Ground



TSOの時は grey shard run をしていましたが、それに比べて1日にこなせる制限もないのがいいところです。しばらく人待ちの間はBGです。(クエスト終わっちたよ...)

今後はNew Halas リリース後に Alliance 変更を行ってクエストをこなし、Betray Backの予定です。


When you complete "Epic Repercussions" (Sentinel's Fate mythical quest) your Kunark mythical weapon(s) (both good and evil) are removed. You are rewarded with the enervated version of your current class weapon, the house item copy of that same weapon, and the corresponding spell(s). If you then choose to betray your spells will be removed and you cannot equip your enervated weapon any longer, but you will not loose the house item weapon. Then simply go to Jawharah Izzah, the shady Erudite in Nektulos, and buy the spells, the enervated weapon and house item version of your new class.


Cnj Epic Fab版も取ろうか。